NEW COURSE: Spring 2017 - MLL 300 - "Poets, Musicians, and
Revolutionaries: Modern Chinese Poetry and Lyrical Culture"
Modern Languages & Linguistics MLL 300
“Poets, Musicians, and Revolutionaries: Modern Chinese Poetry and Lyrical Culture”
Course Information
Time: MW 5:30-6:45pm Location: Fine Arts 006
Instructor: Dr. Christopher Tong 唐老师 Office: Fine Arts 445
Email: Office hours: Th 2-3, 5-6pm or by appointment
Course Description
From the New Culture Movement of 1917 to World War II, from literary journals to rock concerts, from self-expression to social engagement, poetry has played an integral role in remaking modern Chinese life. In this course, you will study the works of key poets, musicians, and revolutionaries who shaped the development of modern Chinese culture and history in the 20th century. Examining a range of materials such as poems, song lyrics, music (folk, classical, jazz, pop, rock, punk, hip hop), films, and scholarly essays, you will learn about modern Chinese lyrical culture as it evolved in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong and its relationship with national and regional identities. While this course is designed for students with little or no prior knowledge of Chinese or Chinese culture, MLL 190, 191, 230 or 301 is recommended. Since this is an MLL course, all class discussions, assignments, and materials will be in English. Poems will be available in Chinese for those interested in reading the original.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to: (1) analyze modern Chinese poems using technical terms; (2) interpret modern Chinese poetry and music in their historical contexts; (3) recall major developments in modern Chinese history in the 20th century; and (4) improve your ability to think critically and write academic papers on literary topics. You are expected to work toward these goals, participate in all classroom activities, and complete all assignments in a timely manner.
Posted: December 8, 2016, 11:40 AM