Asian Studies March Updates
Ukraine forum, summer session info, and more!
If, like us, you're excited about spring's arrival and the associated warmer weather and other joys, you may be interested in the National Cherry Blossom Festival's website, which includes (among other things) the Peak Bloom forecast. The first bloom updates should start arriving today, but you can visit their site now to learn more about the festival and celebrations taking place later this month!
Thank you for attending the candidate presentations!
Thank you to those of you who attended the presentations by our faculty candidates this month. We appreciate your time and feedback, and hope that you will have an opportunity to take a class with the selected candidate this fall! If you have any feedback about the candidates and their presentations, please email Dr. Oyen.
Online Conversation: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
Please join the Departments of Political Science and History at this important online conversation on Wednesday, March 2 (tomorrow) at 2:30pm. Faculty and students will discuss some of the causes of Russia's invasion, as well as its potential consequences.
Student Fee Forum Friday, March 4, 2pm [online]
The Annual Student Fee Forum takes place this year on Friday, March 4, at 2pm. Learn about the plans for 2022-23 academic year tuition and fees, and share your thoughts or concerns about the proposals with campus leadership. Given the ongoing impact of Covid-19 and other global events, your voice in this conversation is more important than ever.
All attendees will have the chance to win a $25 giftcard to the Bookstore.
Join the WebEx event using this link [click here to go to the WebEx meeting].
Save the Date: Author D. Watkins Virtual Event, April 6
Baltimore native D. Watkins will visit campus virtually on Wednesday, April 6, from 4:30-5:30pm, to discuss his book We Speak for Ourselves: How Woke Culture Prohibits Progress. The event is part of this year's UMBC Community Read. Learn more about the Community Read and We Speak for Ourselves at the virtual event's myUMBC page here and at the Community Read group's page here.
Summer Session Registration Now Open!
Are you thinking about taking a class during Summer Session 2022? Registration is now open!
Course offerings that may be of interest to ASIA students include:
- HIST 103 - East Asian Civilization (in-person, Summer II Six Weeks)
- JPNS 102 - Elementary Japanese II (hybrid, Summer II Six Weeks)
- MUSC 230 - Musics of the World (online, Summer I Four Weeks)
If you would like to learn more about summer classes, or have general advising questions, you can email Dr. Oyen or set up a meeting using her Calendly link.
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
- Tuesday, March 1 (today) - Summer 2022 registration opens!
- Tuesday, March 1 (today) - last day to sign up to get academic credit for a Spring 2022 internship or other research experience
- Wednesday, March 2, 2:30pm (tomorrow) - Russia's invasion of Ukraine online event [see above]
- Friday, March 4, 2pm - Student Fee Forum [online, see above]
- March 20-27: Spring Break!
- Monday, March 28: Fall 2022 Schedule Available
Posted: March 1, 2022, 1:26 PM